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OBS.: Com o Programa Essence Health Coach você será capaz de compreender e tratar a doença de um modo mais consciente e natural sem precisar recorrer aos remédios sintéticos que causam efeitos colaterais. Mas, desde já ,avisamos que são conselhos terapêuticos e que é de sua inteira responsabilidade administrar com a ajuda de um profissional e procurar o seu médico na realização de exames periódicos.
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NOTE: With the Essence Health Coach Program you will be able to understand and treat the disease in a more conscious and natural way without resorting to the synthetic remedies that cause side effects. But, from now on, we advise you that they are therapeutic advice and that it is your responsibility to administer with the help of a professional and seek your doctor in performing periodical exams.
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